Sunday, August 24, 2008

Watercolors by me

Fall Tree watercolor 8x20
Click to enlarge

Dried Flowers watercolor 12x12"
Click to enlarge

Dried Flowers watercolor 12x12"
Click to enlarge

Another watercolor tree for your viewing pleasure. And two paintings of a lovely dried flower arrangement that my Mom has. The delicate stems and petals attracted me to this set up. I just left the vase, which is a mason jar, as a few pencil lines.

Hope everyone is having a fantastic summer!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Watercolor poplar with yellow leaves

Fall Tree - watercolor 15x22
Click for a better look

I just finished painting this for my friend Doro. Hope she likes it.
Seems like it was just May...and here it is almost the middle of August!! Don't know how that happened.
Soon the kids will be back in school. And I will get to teach more drawing and watercolor classes. Yay! For all of my readers in Dawson Creek, who read but never comment...check out the schedule for classes starting in September at The Naked Canvas. I think my drawing class starts on September 13. Don't wait too long...Barb will cancel it if nobody signs up by the Friday before!!! Get on it now.

Hope everyone is having a fabulous summer!!